
Quality, Environment and Safety and Health at work

Drimpak has an Integrated Management System, which includes Quality, Environment, Carbon Footprint Verification, and Safety and Health at Work in accordance with the requirements and demands of the Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015, UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015, UNE-EN-ISO-14064-1:2018, UNE-EN-ISO 45001:2023, providing the framework for establishing and reviewing objectives.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

At Drimpak we are committed to sustainable and ethical industrial practices, as well as the well-being of our employees, customers and the environment.

We work to strengthen our approach towards sustainable development linked to social, economic and environmental issues.

Our objective is that the impact caused by our practices in terms of corporate governance, continuous improvement, environmental risk management and responsible purchasing, translates into greater competitiveness and sustainability for society.

Respect for the Environment

At Drimpak the electricity we use comes exclusively from renewable energy sources. We work on optimizing our production processes and invest in new printing and finishing technologies with the aim of improving our energy efficiency and reducing consumption. Likewise, we collaborate with authorized waste managers, who are responsible for the collection, treatment, recovery and/or disposal of this waste.

UN Global Compact

Drimpak is a member of the initiative that leads Corporate Social Responsibility in the World, and we have aligned our strategies and operations with the Ten Universal Principles on human rights, labor standards, the environment and the fight against corruption.

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

We train our team and work to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals to transform the world. We develop goals to advance clean energy, promote decent work and economic growth, and encourage responsible consumption and production. We also address action against climate change, industrial development and innovation in infrastructure, until these objectives form a comprehensive set to achieve sustainable development throughout the world.


At Drimpak we are adhered to the EcoVadis platform, with the objective of managing ESG risk and compliance, achieving the imposed corporate sustainability objectives, and driving impact at scale, guiding the improvement of the sustainability performance of our company and its value chain.

Carbon Footprint

Drimpak is ISO 14064-1 certified and measures the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted into the atmosphere, either directly or indirectly, as a result of a specific activity, such as the manufacturing of packaging, the provision of a service or the operation of the organization.  We have measured scope 1, 2 and 3 and we have a reduction plan that includes objectives and measures for the reduction of greenhouse gases.

FSC and PEFC certification

Drimpak is certified in the CoC chain of custody, and has the FSC seal guaranteeing that the cardboard used comes from responsibly managed forests. 

We also have the PEFC certificate (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification or Program for the Recognition of Forest Certification), an independent, non-profit organization, worldwide and open to the participation of all, whose objective is to promote the sustainable management of forests to achieve a social, economic and environmental balance.

Good Practices Guide

We understand that the quality of a product or service is measured by total customer satisfaction.

We focus our efforts on prevention during the development phase of each product, identifying the critical points of the production process and applying the necessary preventive actions.

We recognize that each product is unique, so our quality system adapts to the characteristics of each project.


Drimpak is attached to Circular Cardboard. The Collective System of Extended Producer Responsibility (SCRAP) dedicated to ensuring the traceability and recycling of industrial packaging of any material for companies in any sector.

It facilitates compliance with national and European obligations regarding Extended Producer Responsibility and contributes to the care of the environment, ensuring legal compliance with environmental regulations, and promoting sustainable development for all industries.

Social Commitment

Within our collaborations, as a company committed to human values ​​such as integrity, teamwork, deep respect for the person, and the conviction that together it is possible to build a better world, we participate in a solidarity project that helps social inclusion through sport, by sponsoring a Para-Karate team from the Community of Madrid, and we collaborate with the Nuria García Foundation.

Quality, Environment and Safety and Health at work

Drimpak has an Integrated Management System, which includes Quality, Environment, Carbon Footprint Verification, and Safety and Health at Work in accordance with the requirements and demands of the Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015, UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015, UNE-EN-ISO-14064-1:2018, UNE-EN-ISO 45001:2023, providing the framework for establishing and reviewing objectives.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

At Drimpak we are committed to sustainable and ethical industrial practices, as well as the well-being of our employees, customers and the environment.

We work to strengthen our approach towards sustainable development linked to social, economic and environmental issues.

Our objective is that the impact caused by our practices in terms of corporate governance, continuous improvement, environmental risk management and responsible purchasing, translates into greater competitiveness and sustainability for society.

Respect for the Environment

At Drimpak the electricity we use comes exclusively from renewable energy sources. We work on optimizing our production processes and invest in new printing and finishing technologies with the aim of improving our energy efficiency and reducing consumption. Likewise, we collaborate with authorized waste managers, who are responsible for the collection, treatment, recovery and/or disposal of this waste.

UN Global Compact

Drimpak is a member of the initiative that leads Corporate Social Responsibility in the World, and we have aligned our strategies and operations with the Ten Universal Principles on human rights, labor standards, the environment and the fight against corruption.

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

We train our team and work to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals to transform the world. We develop goals to advance clean energy, promote decent work and economic growth, and encourage responsible consumption and production. We also address action against climate change, industrial development and innovation in infrastructure, until these objectives form a comprehensive set to achieve sustainable development throughout the world.


At Drimpak we are adhered to the EcoVadis platform, with the objective of managing ESG risk and compliance, achieving the imposed corporate sustainability objectives, and driving impact at scale, guiding the improvement of the sustainability performance of our company and its value chain.

Carbon Footprint

Drimpak is ISO 14064-1 certified and measures the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted into the atmosphere, either directly or indirectly, as a result of a specific activity, such as the manufacturing of packaging, the provision of a service or the operation of the organization.  We have measured scope 1, 2 and 3 and we have a reduction plan that includes objectives and measures for the reduction of greenhouse gases.

FSC and PEFC certification

Drimpak is certified in the CoC chain of custody, and has the FSC seal guaranteeing that the cardboard used comes from responsibly managed forests. 

We also have the PEFC certificate (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification or Program for the Recognition of Forest Certification), an independent, non-profit organization, worldwide and open to the participation of all, whose objective is to promote the sustainable management of forests to achieve a social, economic and environmental balance.

Good Practices Guide

We understand that the quality of a product or service is measured by total customer satisfaction.

We focus our efforts on prevention during the development phase of each product, identifying the critical points of the production process and applying the necessary preventive actions.

We recognize that each product is unique, so our quality system adapts to the characteristics of each project.


Drimpak is attached to Circular Cardboard. The Collective System of Extended Producer Responsibility (SCRAP) dedicated to ensuring the traceability and recycling of industrial packaging of any material for companies in any sector.

It facilitates compliance with national and European obligations regarding Extended Producer Responsibility and contributes to the care of the environment, ensuring legal compliance with environmental regulations, and promoting sustainable development for all industries.

Social Commitment

Within our collaborations, as a company committed to human values ​​such as integrity, teamwork, deep respect for the person, and the conviction that together it is possible to build a better world, we participate in a solidarity project that helps social inclusion through sport, by sponsoring a Para-Karate team from the Community of Madrid, and we collaborate with the Nuria García Foundation.